Give Homeopathy a Try!

HOMEOPATHY! Often confused with Aromatherapy (erm…..Ok!!)…….written off by some as ‘just sugar pills’ that act as a placebo (this is very outdated thinking!!)……I’m here to tell you that Homeopathy IS a superbly beneficial and valuable system of medicine. Visit the Homeopathic Research Institute website to see masses of clinical research that has been conducted over the years and read my page about how Homeopathy works here. In the western world Homeopathy seems to have gained a reputation as being a bit of a middle class complementary medicine, affordable only to those with plenty of money! I feel passionately that Homeopathy should be available to EVERYONE but cost is a big factor for some people when considering whether to try it, therefore I have set up a small super low cost clinic, three afternoons a month where I am both visible and approachable. This is both a drop in clinic and by appointment. You can have a chat with me or have a 40-60 minute consultation and will only be charged for prescriptions - costing between £5 - £20.