What happens in a consultation?

Ahead of the consultation I may ask you to fill in a patient questionnaire which ideally will be returned to me at least 24hrs before we first meet so I have a chance to look over it.

All consultation spaces are relaxed and confidential. If its your first time then I usually start with a brief explanation of Homeopathy , what you can expect and answer any questions you might have- then we will have a conversation about what you would like help with.

Homeopaths LOVE information! so the more specific you can be about how and what you’re feeling, the better. Often, like a talking based therapy, I like to open the floor to you and listen - I am interested in finding out what makes you YOU and how you experience the world. I may ask you questions about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, dreams which may seem strange and nothing to do with the symptoms you are experiencing but as mentioned on my 'What is Homeopathy' page, I am prescribing remedies to help you to heal yourself based on who YOU are as a whole person, after all you are NOT the disease!

I strive to create a safe space where clients feel at ease and supported. If you are bringing your child for a consultation then the same applies.....being a mum of 3 young children, I know how important it is for a child to be able to fidget, move around and play, so I usually have some toys or objects of interest handy. With children, especially the very young, I will be trying to get a sense of who they are - I might ask them questions if they seem up for it, if not then it's fine for them to play whilst I talk to the parent.

After the consultation I go away and study your case and typically post the prescription to you within a week. Sometimes I know by the end of the consultation what remedy might be needed and give it then and there. I provide detailed instructions about how and when to take remedies.

What can I expect after my consultation?

After a consultation many clients report feeling lighter and somewhat unburdened. We often underestimate the therapeutic value of just talking!

 After taking your prescribed remedy, allow it to integrate into your system - sometimes this is felt almost immediately and at other times much more subtly. Often clients notice that the symptoms which once dominated their life begin to fade or they start to feel 'better in themself'. Sometimes clients feel there has been no change, in which case it might mean that a different remedy is needed.

 I am committed to trying to help people get better in the shortest time needed but also acknowledge that Homeopathy can't always help everyone and for some this process may take too long. I will always do my best to bring you back to optimal health and as such will invest my time (and ££'s buying a book or attending a webinar) in order to help with a case and match the right remedy.

 I usually recommend a follow up consultation after 4-6 weeks. Inbetween consultations we can have a brief 'check in' phone call if needed.