What is Gong therapy and Sound healing?

The Gong is an ancient instrument that has been used as a form of sound healing since around 4,000 B.C.  The gong creates waves of sound that are profoundly relaxing; the sounds go beyond the intellectual part of the brain to the core of your nervous system, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and prompting the body to heal and detoxify. Our body is unable to block the powerful vibrations therefore all levels of our being feel it.


Every part of our body has a natural frequency it vibrates at, and this frequency can be thrown off balance by stress, illness and other factors. High quality gongs played by a practitioner produce a full spectrum of frequencies. By exposing yourself to this range, you can retune your own vibration to its most optimal state.


During Gong baths and sound healing experiences, a process called 'brainwave entrainment' happens. This is where your brain is stimulated by sound to enter varying states of relaxation.

The brainwave states are as follows:

BETA - This is when we are awake and alert. It helps with logical thinking, reasoning, problem-solving and focus. Often it can manifest fatigue and stress.

ALPHA - This is when we are feeling relaxed. It stimulates memory, learning and imagination and forms subconscious beliefs.

THETA - This is when we are drifting off to sleep or daydreaming. It also occurs during deep meditation and hypnosis. Helps with dreaming and imagery.

DELTA - This is when we are in a deep, dreamless sleep. It is when our body is working on healing and restoration.


In a Gong bath and sound healing treatments your left brain – the analytical and logical mind quietens, and your brainwaves gradually go from Beta to a slower Theta state. This activates the body’s self-healing mechanism and we can access forgotten knowledge, intuition and stimulate creativity. The sound of a Gong is heard through the ears, passing through the auditory nerve, then to the vagus nerve, stimulating every organ in the body. Gong sounds also stimulate red blood cells and opens up the blood supply to all organs and throughout the body.

Solfeggio Frequencies - This is a form of music that uses specific sound patterns to stimulate the brain. They help your brain waves achieve a frequency that has many benefits. Solfeggio Frequencies are typically used for transformational purposes and can help improve relationships, deal with fear and change, awaken one’s intuition, and so on. The Solfeggio Frequencies include a set of sacred numbers with a repeating sequence of 3, 6 and 9, and each Solfeggio Frequency has a specific purpose. These tones contain the frequency required to balance your energy and heal you. For example, the 528 hertz (Hz) frequency can be used to repair DNA and is a frequency of Universal miracles. I use specialist high quality instruments tuned to varying Solfeggio frequencies in most of my 1:1 treatments and sometimes in Gong Baths.

Singing bowls - have been used in Tibetan and other cultures since the 12th century. These metal bowls come in different sizes and each one produces a rich sound that relaxes and heals the mind. Because each bowl produces a unique vibration that works on separate parts of the brain and body - different sized bowls are often used together. Bowls elicit a light dream state and can be placed on the body to promote healing. In recent years they have become appealing due to their mesmerising tones and are easy to get hold of (unfortunately a lot of these bowls mimic the appearance of authentic singing bowls but lack the genuine craftsmanship and therapeutic qualities). I use a variety of bowls, however the ones I use for most of my healing work have been acquired from genuine sources where I know their origin and can validate authenticity.

Tuning Forks - are calibrated to specific frequencies and when struck vibrate to produce a clear and precise sound which sends vibrations into the air (or body) around it. They are useful in helping to heal specific areas of the body as well as clearing space and our energetic fields. I use tuning forks in both 1:1 treatments and Gong Baths.

Shamanic & Grounding Instruments - used to clear space, promote self healing, cleanse the auric body, aid meditation and journeying and to ground (help you return to the present moment). Examples of such instruments are the voice, chimes, rattles, rain sticks, drums, whistles and flutes - all of which I use in work.

Healing & Health Benefits

Healing & Health Benefits

Physical Benefits

  • Stress reduction, activates parasympathetic nervous system, lowers cortisol levels.

  • Improves sleep & sleep patterns, promotes restorative sleep.

  • Pain relief (a number of my clients have significantly reduced their pain relief meds by having regular 1:1 treatments).

  • Improves circulation & activates lymphatic system.

  • Natural detoxifyer.

Mental & Emotional


  • Reduces mental chatter & clutter, increases mindfulness.

  • Calms the nervous system, reduces anxiety, promotes ‘relaxation’ brainwave states (see above).

  • Enhances creativity, helps access subconscious mind.

  • Alllows non verbal processing, aids emotional release, promotes self reflection & empathy.

  • Enhances & elevates mood, can reduce symptoms of depression.

Spiritual Benefits

  • Promotes & aids deep meditation, achieve altered consciousness, connects with higher self.

  • Deepens spiritual practice & connection, fosters sense of unity.

  • Helps identify shadows aspects of self needing recognition or work, can help transcend ego.

  • Promotes inner peace, harmony & balance.