How does Homeopathy work?

We can understand Homeopathy as 'like treats like', meaning that a substance which causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure a sick person with similar symptoms. For example, the remedy made from the stinging nettle can be used to cure rashes which are similar in appearance and sensation to a nettle sting, occurring as an allergic reaction.

A lot of ‘conventional’ medicine tends to address health issues by applying Anti- methods that go against what the body is trying to achieve. For example ANTI biotics, ANTI Histamine, ANTI Depressives - instead of ‘attacking’ or ‘fighting’ disease, homeopathy focuses on building health and strengthening the immune system with medicine which is individualised. Dis-ease is an expression of disharmony or imbalance within which expresses itself via symptoms, be it mentally, emotionally or physically.  The carefully selected remedies I prescribe will help YOU to heal YOURSELF - in this way Homeopathy does not treat 'diseases', it treats the whole person, mind and body.

How, What, Why?

Homeopathic medicine is made using a unique process where a substance is dissolved in liquid (alcohol or lactose) then repeatedly diluted (in water) and succussed (vigorously shaken) to achieve a therapeutic dilution - this process is called 'potentisation'.

Wondering how something containing miniscule amounts of the original substance works? Here’s why…….

Individual Susceptibility (Sensitivity)

This relates to how our body reacts to stimuli. If we consider this using allergies as an example, we know that when someone is allergic to something, such as animal hair, house dust, milk, shellfish, nuts, only a small amount is needed to provoke a reaction (and often this is extreme).  Homeopathy works in a similar way but generates a healing response. When a well indicated remedy is prescribed, based on the whole person, only the smallest dose is required to gentle exaggerate the symptoms causing 'dis ease' prompting the body to heal itself.


In a way, it is easier to think of Homeopathic medicine as 'Nano medicine'. Research carried out by leaders in this field, Professor Iris Bell (USA) and Professor Jayesh Bellare (India) confirms that Nanoparticles of the original homeopathic substance are identifiable even at very high dilution.

Water Memory

Water has memory. Water molecules link together to create ‘coherent domains’ which can hold and amplify electromagnetic signals from substances. This helps us understand how miniscule amounts of a substance can programme or influence water (let's also remember we're made of at least 70% water too!).

Since the 1950's many scientists have attempted to make public evidence showing their findings; of note are French biochemist & immunologist Jacques Benveniste in 1988 and Nobel Laureate and virologist Luc Montagne in 2009  - both submitted evidence supporting and concluding that water is able to duplicate the qualities of any material with which it once interacted with.

Other studies, such as the work of Dr Masuru Emoto beautifully illustrate waters ability to respond to external stimuli. In recent years there has been some amazing research and discoveries made about water intelligence and it's ability to both store information and consciously communicate to us - for more info on this see the incredible work of Veda Austin.


For more information about the 'science' of Homeopathy and ongoing clinical research visit the Homeopathic Research Institute