What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine, whereby it treats the whole person - taking into account personality, lifestyle, hereditary factors and any history of disease. I prescribe for the whole person and not just for the diagnosis of a condition. Everyone is unique - patients coming for treatment for the same condition, will experience it differently therefore each patient will receive a medicine based on their unique experience. I am interested in understanding how YOU experience the symptoms and the ways in which it affects your daily life. 


Our body is an intelligent living system and wants to be in balance but sometimes when it is imbalanced and stuck we can become ill.  When the correct natural medicine is selected it gently exaggerates the ‘stuck’ symptoms prompting a healing response.

 Homeopathic medicine (called remedies) are made from a wide range of natural substances (often plant, mineral and animal matter).

" The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles "

Samuel Hahnemann - Aphorism 2 The Organon of Medicine

Homeopathy was first discovered by the German chemist and doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) and is a long-established system of holistic medicine practised throughout the world for well over 200 years. Apart from its holistic perspective, the basis of homeopathic treatment is the principle of similars or ‘like to cure like’ - where a homeopathically prepared substance found to cause particular symptoms when tested on healthy persons will resolve similar symptoms in a patient when in a state of dis-ease. This healing principle was known and understood thousand of years ago by Hippocrates and Galen who are considered the founders of western medicine.

Over 200 million people use homeopathy on a regular basis and it is encouraged and included in many national health systems around the world.


What can Homeopathy treat?

Often people turn to homeopathy as a last resort having tried everything else! Often they find that this form of medicine helps them. It does seem like times are changing now as more people are becoming proactive about their health and wanting a natural alternative though.

Homeopathic remedies, properly prepared and prescribed, are safe and can be given to pregnant women, children, babies and animals. Conditions proven to benefit from Homeopathy address the whole individual and can therefore address a wide variety of symptoms in both acute and chronic conditions.  I consult with a wide range of people wanting help for conditions such as anxiety and depression to IBS, headaches, eczema, gallstones. . . . . all kinds of symptoms actually! Some clients seek holistic support alongside existing treatments as homeopathy often works well with 'conventional' medicine for managing side effects. It is worth noting that I don't diagnose conditions and always recommend (if appropriate/needed) that clients keep some contact with their GPs.